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Coach travel, car or motorhome rentals, or even various ferries and trains for larger distances are some of the most excellent methods to move about New Zealand. However, it is possible to fly between large cities. Self-drives are the most common form of transport. However, passes are also available for the three scenic rail rides, the Cook Strait ferry, and the national intercity coach network.

Yes, there are many activities to enjoy as a family. From watersports activities to Glow Worm Caves in Te Anau, New Zealand, it is a family-friendly destination offering kid-friendly attractions.

New Zealand borders are open to all travelers as of 31 July 2022.

Traveling to both islands takes approximately 14 days, but you can extend your trip for a more memorable experience.

The best time to be in New Zealand is from December to February. The weather is warm and pleasant so that the visitor can enjoy the many adventures of the country.