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Kyrgyzstan has three mobile phone carriers: Beeline, O!, and MegaCom.

The best time to be in Kyrgyzstan is from April through October. The mountains' snowpack is at its lowest during this period, allowing access to roads and hiking trails leading to locations further up in the mountains. While Tash Rabat is accessible from May through the end of September, other areas, such as Son-Kul and Kel-Suu, are only reachable from June through mid-September. The year-round accessibility to Bishkek, Osh, and Lake Issyk-Kul is due to their lower elevations and proximity to well-travelled transit routes.

The local authorities encourage passengers to continue practising social distancing and hygienic habits. Passengers are encouraged to get their COVID tests done to ensure the safety of themselves and their co-passengers.

Female visitors are encouraged to refrain from wearing excessively short skirts or shorts in various regions, mainly rural areas and the country's southern half. Anything may be worn comfortably in Bishkek and the majority of northern Kyrgyzstan. It is encouraged that women wear skirts that at least reach their knees and cover their hair with a scarf while going inside a church or mosque.

We provide safe payment options by using SSL encrypted, 256 industry-leading bits for added security.

The Kyrgyzstan visa processing period is usually 24-48 working hours.

Kyrgyzstan is a highly secure place and especially if you plan to solo-travel. The crime rate is extremely low; the locals are amiable, helpful, and curious yet somewhat reserved about tourists.